
Professor Rosemary Klich

East 15 Acting School
Professor Rosemary Klich
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    +44 (0) 1702 328353

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Professor Rosemary Klich is Director of Research at East 15 Acting School, University of Essex. She specialises in multimedia, immersive, and participatory theatre. Prior to joining East 15 in 2017, she was Head of Drama and Theatre at the University of Kent where she taught since 2007. Her current research investigates media, sound, and spectatorship, and her teaching expertise is in the theory and making of contemporary performance practice. Her co-authored book Multimedia Performance was published with Palgrave in 2012 and she has since published in journals such as Contemporary Theatre Review, Performance Research, International Journal of Performing Arts and Digital Media, and Body Space Technology. She has also undertaken various practice-as-research projects working in collaboration with performers, videographers, sound designers and photographers. Rosemary holds a PhD from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia and has presented keynote talks at conferences and symposia in Poland, Korea, Belgium and the UK.


  • PhD University of New South Wales,


University of Essex

  • Professor, East 15 Acting School, University of Essex (1/10/2017 - present)

Teaching and supervision

Previous supervision

Alex Anne Lyons
Alex Anne Lyons
Thesis title: Vulvaplicity: Vulvas and Identities in Contemporary Performance
Degree subject: Drama and Performance (Practice as Research)
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/8/2024
Ailin Naomi Conant
Ailin Naomi Conant
Thesis title: Towards a Theatre of New Multimodal Meanings: Applying Second Generation Cognition to Directorial Devising Practice in Theatre Which Responds to Trauma
Degree subject: Drama and Performance (Practice as Research)
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/6/2024


Journal articles (13)

Klich, R., (2024). Unravelling the Visiophonic Knot: Audiovisual Incongruence and Perceptual Glitch in Intermedial Performance. Journal of Literary and Intermedial Crossings. 8 (2), 32-46

Klich, R., (2019). Visceral Dramaturgies: Curating Sensation in Immersive Art. Body, Space and Technology. 18 (1), 175-197

Klich, R., (2017). Amplifying Sensory Spaces: The In- and Out-Puts of Headphone Theatre. Contemporary Theatre Review. 27 (3), 366-378

Klich, R., (2017). The Performing Subject in the Space of Technology: Through the Virtual, towards the Real ed. by Matthew Causey, Emma Meehan, and Néill O’Dwyer. Contemporary Theatre Review. 27 (1), 132-133

Klich, RE., (2016). Outer Space from Within: Aural Transitions and Sound Bodies in Multimedia Performance. Didiskalia. 131

Klich, RE., (2015). Fleshing Out: Intermedial Bodies and Dancers-in-Code. Dance Research Journal of Korea. 73 (3), 225-243

Klich, R., (2013). Work in Progress: Audience Engagement and an ‘Aesthetic of Unfinish’ in Richard Schechner’s 'Imagining O' (2011/12). Body, Space and Technology. 12 (0)

Klich, R., (2013). Send : Act : Perform. Performance Research. 18 (5), 101-107

Klich, R., (2013). Performing Poetry and the Postnarrative Text in the Theatre of New Media. Contemporary Theatre Review. 23 (3), 421-431

Klich, R., (2012). The ‘unfinished’ subject: Pedagogy and performance in the company of copies, robots, mutants and cyborgs. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media. 8 (2), 155-170

Klich, R., (2007). Performing Posthuman Perspective: Can You See Me Now?. Scan : Journal of Media Arts Culture

Klich, R., (2005). David Pledger: On Eavesdrop and New Media. Performance Paradigm

Klich, R., (2005). The Play’s The Thing No Longer: Non-Linear Narrative in Kate Champion’s ‘Same, Same But Different'. Australasian Drama Studies. 46, 58-58

Books (1)

Klich, R. and Scheer, E., (2012). Multimedia Performance. Macmillan Education UK. 0230357598. 9780230574670

Book chapters (9)

Klich, R., Headphone Theater and the Performance of Perception. In: Routledge Companion to Theatre and Technology. Editors: Bleeker, M. and Zuniga-Shaw, N.,

Klich, R., (2019). Intermedial Theatre: On Technology. In: Intermedial Theatre: Principles and Practices. Editors: Crossley, M., . Palgrave Macmillan. 9781137611581

Klich, R., (2019). Of Unsound Mind and Body: Immersive Experience in Headphone Theatre. In: Emerging Affinities: Possible Futures of Performative Arts. Editors: Sugiera, M., Borowski, M. and Chaberski, M., . Transcript Verlag. 9783839449066

Klich, R., (2018). Systems of Spectatorship: Blast Theory's Aesthetic of Emergence. In: Unfolding Spectatorship: Shifting Political, Ethical and Intermedial Positions. Editors: Stalpaert, C., Pewny, K., Coppens, J. and Vermeulen, P., . Academia Press. 143- 155. 9789038225982

Klich, RE., (2016). Playing a Punchdrunk Game: Immersive Theatre and Videogaming. In: Reframing Immersive Theatre: The Politics and Pragmatics of Participatory Performance. Palgrave Macmillan. 221- 228. 9781137366030

Klich, R., (2014). Mediation, Trace and Space in Dance Theatre: Already Elsewhere. In: Bodies of Thought: 12 Australian Choreographers. Editors: Brannigan, E. and Baxter, V., . Wakefield Press

Klich, R., (2010). Instance: The Builder’s Association (Supervision 2005). In: Mapping Intermediality in Performance. Editors: Bay-Cheng, S., Kattenbelt, C., Lavender, A. and Nelson, R., . Amsterdam University Press

Klich, R., (2007). Between Realities: Intermediality and the Blurring of Boundaries in Multimedia Theatre. In: Fictional Realities/Real Fictions: Contemporary Theatre in Search of a New Mimetic Paradigm. Editors: Sugiera, M. and Borowski, M., . Cambridge Scholars Press

Klich, R., (2007). Between Realities: Blurring the Boundaries in Multimedia Theatre. In: Fictional Realities/Real Fictions: Contemporary Theatre in Search of a New Mimetic Paradigm. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 106- 120. 9781847181381

Reports and Papers (5)

Warren, R., Klich, R. and Darkenwald, T., Digital Primaries Evaluation report for DanceEast

Klich, R., Tyler, M., Hancock, P. and Maples, H., Cultural Freelancers Study 2024

Tyler, M., Hancock, P., Klich, R., Maples, H. and Unger, C., Cultural Freelancers Study 2024

Klich, R. and Rowson, J., (2022). Theatres Beyond the Stage: The Recovery of Regional Theatres as Placemakers in the East of England

Maples, H., Edelman, J., Fitzgibbon, A., Harris, L., Klich, R., Rowson, J., Taroff, K. and Young, A., (2022). Freelancers in the Dark: The Economic, Cultural, and Social Impact of Covid-19 on UK Theatre Workers Final Report

Other (2)

Klich, R., (2019).Daphne in Three Movements (audiovisual installation)

Klich, R., (2017).Hamlet Remembered

Grants and funding


Theatres Beyond the Stage: Recovering the Placemaking Role of Regional Theatres in the East of England in 2022 - Impact Leave

University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)


Invitation to Tender: Project Insight

London Metropolitan Police - Covert Policing Command

Invitation to Tender: Project Insight

London Metropolitan Police - Covert Policing Command

Evaluation ACE Freelance Study of Cultural Workforce

Arts Council England

Beyond the Stage: Regional Theatres as Placemakers

Norwich Theatre


Dance in Schools - A Digital Pedagogy

Dance East


Evaluation of the 99 by 19 project in Southend

Focal Point Gallery


The Economic, Social, and Cultural impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Independent Arts Workers in the United Kingdom

Economic and Social Research Council


NetPark New AR Artwork Creation

Metal Culture

+44 (0) 1702 328353
